The 2024 presidential election and the increased risk of terrorism in the United States

Jena Marie Griswold, Secretary of the Interior of the State of Colorado in the United States, has said that she has been threatened with her life several times after filing a complaint that led to the removal of the name of Donald Trump, the Republican Party candidate in the 2024 US presidential election from the list of candidates in the state.

Jan 2, 2024 - 13:15
The 2024 presidential election and the increased risk of terrorism in the United States
The 2024 presidential election and the increased risk of terrorism in the United States

Griswold wrote on the X social network on Saturday: "In the last three weeks since this complaint was filed, I have received 64 death threats. After that I stopped counting the threats." He has said that he will not be intimidated by such threats and that democracy and peace will overcome injustice and violence. Griswold also praised Maine Secretary of the Interior Shana Bellows for removing Trump's name from the state's primary ballot and said: 'Bellows is brave and brave'. After the rejection of the candidacy of Donald Trump, the former president and one of the candidates of the Republican Party in the 2024 US presidential election in the state of Colorado and then in the state of Maine, the threats of violent supporters of Trump against the officials of two states that is too much. The Supreme Court of the State of Colorado two weeks ago announced that Donald Trump cannot be a candidate for the US presidential election in the state based on Section 3 of Article 14 of the US Constitution. The clause, which was passed during the Civil War in the country, states that those who take the oath of the United States Constitution will be barred from re-election to federal office if they incite violence or rebellion. After that, the Secretary of the Interior of Maine, Shenna Bellows, and who is considered to be the state's chief election officer, voted against Donald Trump's candidacy for the 2024 presidential election in the state, pointing to the sedition clause in the constitution. Bellows said that Trump is not eligible to participate in the election due to his act in January 2021 of causing violence in the Congress of the country. He said last week that the plaintiffs in the attack file on January 6, 2021, submitted evidence to the end of Congress that proves that Trump's supporters attacked and created violence in the building at the order of Trump and that the US Constitution opposes attacks on state structures.

Trump supporters stormed congress However, the decision of the two states will be reconsidered in the Supreme Court of the United States due to the appeal of the Republicans. After the announcement of the decisions of the two states of Colorado and Maine not to allow Trump to participate in the presidential election, the process of threatening the lives of government officials has increased in those states. In fact, the trend started after the 2020 US presidential election and Joe Biden was declared the winner and Donald Trump lost. Trump did not accept defeat and encouraged his supporters to start riots and riots to protest the issue. The surprising thing about the issue is the attack on the United States Congress on January 6, 2021 by supporters of Donald Trump, most of whom are members and supporters of extreme right-wing political groups. The event highlighted the chronic and increasing violence of extremist groups and terrorist movements in the country. Alejandro Mayorkas, the US Secretary of Homeland Security, says that the rise of extremist groups in the country is one of the biggest threats related to terrorism in the country.

Republican wing candidates US President Joe Biden in January 2021 called Trump's armed supporters terrorists. The position of Biden is considered very important because its essence is the recognition and understanding of the nature of the terrorist groups of the right wing and with extreme positions of racism in the country. It seems that the position of extreme right-wing groups has strengthened in the domestic politics of the United States, and in addition to the political differences and the conflict between the two parties, the Republican and Democratic parties, it is expected that these groups will cause violence and chaos in the presidential election campaigns. of the United States in the political field in the country. However, the source of terrorism in the United States goes back several decades, where groups and individuals in the United States have been involved in major terrorist incidents in the country. The main perpetrators of domestic terrorism in the United States are right-wing extremist and conservative individuals and groups. These groups range from right-wing and state government supporters who oppose federal government policies to racist, social and religious groups and extremists who oppose immigration and favor white people.