Tag: America

The US Air Force is in decline

In its analysis, the National Interest stated the decline of the US Air Force an...

UNAIDS hopes to eradicate AIDS by 2030

The United Nations has announced that it is possible to completely end AIDS by 2...

Pope: War is beneficial only for weapons manufacturers

The leader of the world's Catholics, Pope Francis, said that all wars are defeat...

Rising opposition in America in support of Israel

After the equivalent of two atomic bombs in the form of US bombs and munitions w...

Poland Cast Their Votes: How Will the Polish Elections ...

October 15 marked a momentous occasion for Poland, as Polish citizens participat...

America threatened North Korea and Russia with sanctions

America threatened North Korea and Russia with sanctions

The End of Dollar Dominance: The Emergence of the Petro...

The End of Dollar Dominance: The Emergence of the Petro-yuan

Artificial Intelligence: A Double-Edged Sword for Democ...

Artificial Intelligence: A Double-Edged Sword for Democracy?

Foreign Ministers of America and Pakistan held talks wi...

Foreign Ministers of America and Pakistan held talks with each other

Pope urges world leaders to do more to fight climate ch...

Pope urges world leaders to do more to fight climate change

Solving the issue of judicial reform. Solving the issue...

Solving the issue of judicial reform. Biden's condition to invite Netanyahu to A...

Biden said: America and NATO are not involved in the la...

Biden said: America and NATO are not involved in the latest events in Russia

How America Failed in Afghanistan

How America Failed in Afghanistan

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