Gaza War

Zionist military admits to killing children in Gaza Strip

A Zionist regime soldier has admitted that he is looking for Palestinian babies ...

UN spokesman: Israeli actions are the barbarity of the ...

The UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Occupied Pales...

A Jordanian MP burned the flag of the Zionist regime in...

Khalil Atiya, while burning the flag of the Zionist regime, declared: “O Zionist...

Rising suicide rate among Israeli military personnel

Israeli psychiatrists have reported an increase in the average suicide rate amon...

Iraqi forces attack Israeli 'key areas' on Syria's Gola...

The Islamic Movement of Iraq has carried out two separate attacks against the se...

Qassam: We have burned 8 vehicles of the Zionist admini...

The Izuddin Qassam Brigades, the Military Branch of the Palestinian Islamic Stru...

WHO official: We are witnessing a terrible bloodshed in...

The coordinator of the emergency medical teams at the World Health Organization,...

Call by the UN Special Rapporteur for the creation of a...

The UN Special Rapporteur on decent housing has demanded the creation of a speci...

Military Aggression in Gaza Kills More Than 4,000 Pales...

The Gaza Ministry of Education announced that more than 4,000 students and 209 P...

When Many Israeli Figures Admit Losing in the Gaza War

Along with the protracted war in Gaza, a number of Israeli figures admitted tha...

Hamas: The US government's hands are full of the blood ...

Osama Hamdan, a member of the Political Council of the Palestinian Islamic Strug...

Increasing pressure from families of Israeli hostages a...

Due to Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of the illegal regime of Israel, f...

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