Tag: European Union

EU: Plan B for aid to Kiev, military supplies to a minimum

Lavrov underlined: We must state with confidence that there is no desire for pea...

Turkish President Erdogan: There is no difference betwe...

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey has said, "there is no difference" betw...

Medvedev: The goal of Russia's military operation is to...

The Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council said that the “most importan...

Zionist military admits to killing children in Gaza Strip

A Zionist regime soldier has admitted that he is looking for Palestinian babies ...

UN spokesman: Israeli actions are the barbarity of the ...

The UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Occupied Pales...

Lack of transparency in US military assistance to the Z...

In its report, the Guardian newspaper noted that the Zionist regime is using a s...

A Jordanian MP burned the flag of the Zionist regime in...

Khalil Atiya, while burning the flag of the Zionist regime, declared: “O Zionist...

Rising suicide rate among Israeli military personnel

Israeli psychiatrists have reported an increase in the average suicide rate amon...

Pope Francis calls for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip

In his message on the occasion of the Nativity of Christ, the leader of Catholic...

Lukashenko: Russia completes the exercise of handing Be...

The President of Belarus has said that Russia has completed the exercise of hand...

US is pleased with Sweden's NATO membership passing thr...

The US administration welcomed the passage of Sweden's proposal for NATO members...

Hamas: The US government's hands are full of the blood ...

Osama Hamdan, a member of the Political Council of the Palestinian Islamic Strug...

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